
Insulin Resistance

Glucose levels build up in your bloodstream instead of being absorbed by the body Exercise can help improve the condition. Aim for at least 30 minutes per day of moderate exercise. Studies have shown that physical activity makes your muscle more sensitive to insulin. This can help lower your blood glucose levels. Exercise can also help your muscle absorb glucose without needing insulin. The main cause lies in the fact that your cells do not get the ecergy for which glucose needs to be absorbed. Help your body absorb the glucose and generate the energy so that you look young and beautiful Love yourself. Keep your  body fit

PCOD Juice

1. About 0.25 cl of mollasses 2. Garlic 3. About 0.25 cl Apple cidar vinegar 4. Add the 4th ingredient which you will have to crush in a mixer with a little of water and filter it afterwards  -  BEETROOT. 5. 1 piece of ginger 6. 15 cl of pure honey 7. About 7 oranges 8. Mix all ingredients together with 2 litres of water and store it in the refrigerator. Drink a glass 3 times a day. Good if you drink it hot.

PCOD tea

CINNAMON TEA 1. Take a glass of water. 2. Put 2-3 cinnamon bark pieces ( Cassia cinnamon- hard bark type). 3. Boil it until the water becomes red and then drink it daily. You can see immediate result. Make it a daily routine and you will be healed soon.

PCOD Lifestyle

Hi, If you suffering from irregular periods and PCOD. Take care of your ovaries and uterus because it is an integral part of you being a woman. In case you ignore it can lead to serious problem in future. 1. Wake up at 6 in the morning. 2. Just after waking up. Do small exercises for 5 minutes. 3. Good if you can join a sports club or dancing club ; if not do exercise at home. 4.Good if you spend little time in nature in the morning and evening. 5. Get some natural sunshine early in the morning. 3. Clean up. 4. Take some water. 5. Start walking wherever you have space. 6. After 15 minutes of walk. 7. DO workout for 15 minutes. 8. Do some more exercise till you sweat thoroughly. 9. By 8 a.m have your breakfast. 10. DO your daily work with litle walking in between. 11. Have a balnced diet with lot of vegetables, banana and fruits. 12. Have lots of water. 13.DO same evening exercise for 30 minutes. 14.BEcome fresh. 15. Do your work. 16....


Hi my Dear ladies, Iam a person suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Iam sure you are right in this page since you are also suffering from the same lifestyle disease PCOD. There are several variations of having PCOD. Some do get regular periods, some with irregular periods, some with excessive weight, some being underweight. The basic underlying cause for all this is lifestyle. This doesnt mean you can heal it by just adding some exercise into your routine. This requires an overall change. First you need to consult a doctor, take necessary advice, take the medication  and as instructed by the doctor you need to take some necessary changes in your lifestyle. A perfect life-style is not the same for everyone. You need to understand your body and give your body necessary nutrition and exercise and take care of yourself. Eventhough technology is helping us in lot of ways there are various ways in which it brings us great harm. One such disease is PCOD. Sedentar...